Lions Bay Historical Society

The unveiled flag, which Victor Miles won in the Lions Bay Historical Society in 1996.

Myron the Gamesmaster!

25th Anniversary Celebration (1971-1996)

The traditional post-dinner.

The shot that almost counted!

Banner by Ann Hurst, created for the anniversary. 

Michael Tickner, 'The Town Cryer for Spirit of '96.

Annual Croquet Tournaments 2016

Ralph and Ken, two Lions Bay Residents performed at the Anniversary Celebration at the Municipal Hall.

Arrival of the Lions Bay flag during the Spirit of '96 by Phillip Langford at Tidewater Way. January 14, 1996

Sheila and Don, winners of Croquet 2015!

Enjoying the victory dinner.

Studying the course.

The contestants finishing the tournament.

Tony and Valerie, winners of Croquet 2016! 

Annual Croquet Tournaments 2007 - 2015​​

These were two of the parking attendants for the event, Chaplain Alan Pope, and George Pope. 

The Lions Bay Historical Society contestants for the the 2008 Croquet Tournament.

Take'n it easy!

During the summer of 2016 the Lions Bay Historical Society proposed to Council that some recognition should be given to Brenda Broughton and her Council for the work they did to reconstruct the Village Hall.

This resulted in the wonderful suggestion of naming the Village Hall  ‘Broughton Hall’.

Picture; r. Mayor Karl Buhr, past Mayor Brenda Broughton and Tony Cox Chairperson of the LBHS.

The Lions Bay Historical Society contestants for the 2007 Croquet Tournament.

The Coveted Croquet Trophy made by Noel Day.

Left. to Right. Alderman, Michael Reigh, and R.C.M.P. Const. Fran Bethell, Victor Miles and Anne Page.